You want the best for your child.

We’re here to help. We make it easy for you to give your child everything they need for a happy, healthy, and whole childhood.

Pediatric Occupational Therapy Caregiver | Rockville, MD | Young & Well

We help young people build capacity for daily life.

Our Process

  • Step 1: Talk to Us

    First, submit your information through our form or call us so that we can hear more and answer your questions.

  • Step 2: Benefits Check

    Once you learn more about us and decide to move forward in our process, we’ll have you upload your insurance card so our Billing Coordinator can check your insurance benefits.

  • Step 3: Evaluation & Review Call

    Once your benefits are confirmed and you are ready to move forward, we’ll schedule your child for their evaluation, and your video call of your results with your child’s provider. This is the best part of working with our team: you’ll have a comprehensive review of everything our evaluation process reveals about your child and our plan for support and intervention.

  • Weekly Sessions

    If your child needs intervention, we’ll meet with them once or more per week for six months until they are re-evaluated. You’ll receive their plan, goals, and what to do at home to support their growth, and we’ll meet over video conference every six months to re-connect about where they were, where they are, and where they’re going until they’re ready to complete their plan.

  • Occupational Therapy

    "Occupational therapy practitioners ask, ‘What matters to you?’, not, ‘What's the matter with you?’" - Virginia "Ginny" Stoffel, AOTA President 2013–2016

    “Occupations” are the daily activities people need and want to do. For young people, that can range from needing strong fine motor skills, like handwriting, to gross motor skills, and everything in between, such as sitting to eat, and getting ready to leave the house.

    Occupational therapists, specifically pediatric occupational therapists, offer young people a safe and regulated space to practice, learn, and develop the skills they need for these everyday activities.

    Play is the work of the child, and our kids have so much fun working together with our therapists!

  • Speech and Language Therapy

    “Communication is the essence of human life.” - Dr. Janice Light

    Speech Therapy is so much more than just “saying words correctly.” Speech-language pathologists, or SLPs, are experts in communication.

    They listen to how our voice and our words sound when we talk. They watch how we communicate with others. They consider how our brains work and the impact it has on our speech. They observe the anatomy and functionality of our oral skills. And then they offer a safe and fun space to practice the skills to improve and offer us the gift of communication.

    Young & Well’s speech team uses whole body integration into intervention. The only speech and language therapy practice that gets your child sweating with movement!

  • Classes & Groups

    We offer a wide variety of groups in our Maryland clinic as well as in nature and supported by our trained therapists and staff. From prenatal classes through to the teenage years, we know you’ll find an offering that fits you and your child.

  • Parent Resources

    Struggling in the day to day interactions with your children? Maybe you’d like some resources for how to support your day to day interactions? We offer many different resources from our trained staff to gently guide your parenting path.